What was once a dream or simple thoughts flying in our heads for months, is now a reality. We’re already buying tickets, (only one-way).
Our first destination: Manila, Philippines. Then comes a succession of exotic names impossible to remember. Kota Kinabalu anyone?
But first let me introduce you in the matter, so you could be better prepared for the subsequent overload of photos and emails from distant and unusual places . Throughout this year we were talking about travel, visiting far destinations and distant friends, starting exciting adventures, discovering new places, learning more about our own limits, and bringing them a little further and deeper. In short, a way to satisfy our vast curiosity and at the same time to explore our capabilities. Now, we’ve already said goodbye to our friends more than once; with my family and friends in Argentina, I already said farewell a long time ago. We’ve delivered our apartment, sold most of our furniture.
From this time, the future is on us, every day, taking the direction that we most appeal at the time, a kind of Cortázar’s Rayuela in real life.
I hope that by this mean, we can share ideas, thoughts, and experiences and thus be a little closer and bridge the gap which is already large and will be even larger. So subscribe to these posts, follow us in this adventure and goodbye until the next one!
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